About San Carlos Tennis Club (SCTC)
The Club was organized in 1975 to promote tennis activities in the area. The Club operates in cooperation with the San Carlos School District (SCSD), headquartering and organizing most SCTC events at SCSD's Arundel School tennis courts (adjacent to Arguello Park). Some activities are organized or overflow onto nearby Carlmont High School and City of San Carlos and/or other school courts, as needed.
Northern California Club of the Year 2013
Hundreds of tennis players, from San Carlos and neighboring communities, join the club each year. All levels, from 1.0 (beginner) to 7.0 (world class) are welcome.
Membership for 2021 = 417 Active Members Membership for 2022 = 665 Active Members
Membership for 2023 = 705 Active Members Membership for 2024 = 614 Active Members
All members have access to a Membership Directory, which includes a roster of members and other useful information. Members are also on the email list for the SCTC newsletter - the BUZZ.
The Club is administered by a Board of selfless, dedicated and tireless volunteers. Positions and duties are set forth in the Constitution. The Board holds 7-10 monthly meetings per year to plan events and to establish and review goals and policies. All members are welcome to attend the meetings, which are held via Zoom at this link:
ZOOM LINK passcode: 473731
The Board is elected by the General Membership via online voting or during an annual Holiday Party. Quarterly board approved financials for SCTC can be found in the Members-only section of the website.
Members and prospective members can visit www.sancarlostennis.com for complete Club information, including timely updates and photos. For the convenience of prospective members, membership applications can be submitted and paid online.
Did you know you can access SCTC website through the WILD APRICOT MEMBER App on your smart phone? give it a try - it makes registering and managing your events easy!
A weekend tournament is offered in most months, typically providing an enjoyable mixture of social fun and competitive tennis. Tournaments are primarily in mixed or gender doubles format with rotating or fixed partnerships, but may occasionally include singles or junior events. Tournaments are generally for Members only. We welcome the public and new participants to join us for Drop-In events. Tournament entrants are placed in divisions based on level of play (NTRP and past tournament results), and handicapping may be applied for level mismatches.
Organized social tennis and party events are scheduled each year, including:
1. Weekly Drop-in Doubles, four days a week.
2. Fun Days (informal drop-in doubles) on the major holiday weekends.
3. Social leagues most nights of the week, plus Team Tennis on the weekend.
4. Annual Away Trip on a fall weekend.
5. Holiday Party, including a cocktail hour, catered dinner and dancing.
Drop-ins are open to non-members, and provide excellent introductions to the Club.
TEAM TENNIS (Intra-Club):
The Club offers 2 levels play for Team Tennis. The program provides a great opportunity for members to get to know other members. At least four teams are formed at each level and play one Sunday a month starting April through October.
USTA LEAGUES (Inter-Club):
The Club fields teams in this USTA-sponsored program at several NTRP Rating levels. Men's, Women's and Mixed Doubles Leagues are offered for Adults and Seniors (50 & over) and Super Seniors (65 & over). Informal inter-club matches also may be scheduled.
2019 USTA Teams 80
2020 USTA Teams 48 before closure due to COVID (Jan - March)
2021 USTA Teams 30 once play resumed during COVID (July - DEC)
2022 USTA Teams 65
2023 USTA Teams 67
2024 USTA Teams 68
The challenge ladders provide an excellent opportunity for members to measure their level of play against other Club members. Ladders are maintained for Men's and Women's Singles, Men's and Women's Doubles and Mixed Doubles as interest warrants. You can reach SCTC's Ladder coordinators at ladders@sancarlostennis.com
The Club supports occasional Junior program offerings as well. Junior members with appropriate playing experience are eligible to participate in the Club's adult tournaments.